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Please help! Cabin crew recruitment

  • 24-05-2017 10:03pm
    Registered Users Posts: 7

    I currently missed the job opening recruitment for aer lingus unfortunately! I have now decided that I'm going to dedicate a year to do a travel and tourism with cabin crew and airline studies course, which covers customer service work experience and all the good added extras that goes along with airline studies. I am doing this untill the next opportunity comes up for recruitment again. Please answer this part: is this course desirable to a recruiter? Does it stand out,, that I'm showing previous interest in the industry that I took my time to devote myself of the knowledge of the industry? And one last question, which is the best reputable collage to study this course, by this I mean, that an employer will think good of the collage, I was looking into portobello institute? Thank you for any feedback!
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