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r issue, not sure what I'm doing wrong

  • 03-05-2017 8:10pm
    Registered Users Posts: 745 ✭✭✭

    Bear with me with this one.

    I am using r to extract tweets using the twitter api and that works fine. I am saving my results to .csv using the write.csv2 funtion which is also fine.

    When i open the csv file, in some cases the tweet is spread over multiple rows. This is down to character returns (\n) being in the tweet text.

    I have tried using a str_replace_all but it doesn't achieve the desired results when saved to csv.

    here is a snippet of my code;
    tweets_listDB <- searchTwitter(searchString, n=750, lang = "en", resultType = 'recent')
    str_replace_all(tweets_listDB.text, "[\n]", " ")
    # each tweets_list element contains several attributes such as:
    tweets.df <- twListToDF(tweets_listDB)
    The error i am getting is 
    Error in stri_replace_all_regex(string, pattern, fix_replacement(replacement),  : 
      object 'tweets_listDB.text' not found

    I'm pretty new to r, and i'm sure this was working for me last night, any idea what i am doing wrong?

    By way of example, i would like to remove the '\n' from the following tweet
    ethicalpaul: Come on, @CitiBikeNYC, PLEASE get the Port Authority area figured out!!\n\nI want to #bikeNYC !! (And I'm paying to d&#226;&#8364;&#166;"

    my list can have multiple items, i want to remove any '\n' from all tweets in my list.
