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Thinking of changing banks, How easy or otherwise?

  • 11-04-2017 11:41am
    Registered Users Posts: 4,768 ✭✭✭

    After 30+ years at my present bank, I'm considering a change.
    In practical terms, how seamless would the changeover be?

    It's a personal current account, no arrears or issues and there are about a dozen direct debits and standing orders for the usual things, electricity, phone, TV provider plus monthly salary paid in and Revenue Commissioners for tax refunds when applicable.

    I would also like to change over my credit card and preserve my credit limit.

    I've heard so many stories in the past of the banks not dealing promptly with switching over customers regular payments, so wondering what people's real-life experiences are like?


  • Registered Users Posts: 5,853 ✭✭✭daheff

    There are switcher services available....but not 100% reliable in my experience.

    Changed banks a couple of times after my bank started charging fees.

    Its not especially difficult. Go into chosen bank with passport/drivers licence and a utility bill/bank statement dated within the previous 3 months.

    They may (in PTSB's case) get you to make an appt or might open the account there & then.

    For DDs, best to contact the supplier as soon as you have the new account open to request a new mandate.

    Tell your employer as soon as possible too.

    For your credit card, this should be fine to change too...ring them up and tell them you want to change the DD account to the new one...wont need to close /move the card /affect credit limit if you dont want too.
