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Zgemma H2S/Openvix issues

  • 01-04-2017 5:18pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1

    Hi there,

    I have a Zgemma H2S box which operates on the Openvix system.

    The box has been terrific, but recently I have started losing channels (Racing UK HD a frustrating one which always worked before) and some are unwatchable from sticking (particularly Sky Sports 2).

    My fibre broadband is strong (44.76mbps download I've just tested on my wireless laptop beside the Zgemma box. The box isn't connected via an ethernet cable, it's through a dongle - would that be a reason I'm having these issues?

    In the morning when I turn on the TV, there's almost always a message on the screen saying a tuner timed out. I used to start an autoboquetmaker scan which worked when any channels stopped working, but now it just says the tune failed whenever I try that.

    It's come to the point now where knowing if the box is going to work is unpredictable. If anyone has any help for me that could get me out of this situation, I'd hugely appreciate it. My father is at home with it most of the time and he's losing the will to live with the box!

    Thanks in advance!


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 478 ✭✭P.lane78

    You need a new box id say ...ring Sky customer support, they will sort you out id say :D

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,713 ✭✭✭swoofer

    There are a lot of free to air channels that work on that box as well but you dont say if they do, like BBC1 etc, that would prove a signal is getting to box, dish may have moved, leads at back of box can come loose. to do a quick signal check do this,
    menu, setup, service searching,signal finder, it will be on tuner a so jus check you get a signal, then to check tuner b, arrow to right and see result.

    Post back and say about result and the bbc1

    ps I forgot to ask how well do you know your way round the box? and dont do any scaning ie do nothing only the check on signa;l

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 881 ✭✭✭mamax

    Hi there,

    I have a Zgemma H2S box which operates on the Openvix system.

    The box has been terrific, but recently I have started losing channels (Racing UK HD a frustrating one which always worked before) and some are unwatchable from sticking (particularly Sky Sports 2).

    My fibre broadband is strong (44.76mbps download I've just tested on my wireless laptop beside the Zgemma box. The box isn't connected via an ethernet cable, it's through a dongle - would that be a reason I'm having these issues?

    In the morning when I turn on the TV, there's almost always a message on the screen saying a tuner timed out. I used to start an autoboquetmaker scan which worked when any channels stopped working, but now it just says the tune failed whenever I try that.

    It's come to the point now where knowing if the box is going to work is unpredictable. If anyone has any help for me that could get me out of this situation, I'd hugely appreciate it. My father is at home with it most of the time and he's losing the will to live with the box!

    Thanks in advance!

    I hear all that box will be good for in a few weeks is free to air, and I'd rather not elaborate on this due to the forum rules but you should ask around :D

  • Moderators, Technology & Internet Moderators Posts: 12,163 Mod ✭✭✭✭icdg

    Why would you be using this box for anything other than free to air? Certainly you shouldn't be watching Sky Sports 2 on any satellite box other than a Sky Digibox...

This discussion has been closed.