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Using Static DNS F2000 Modem Help

  • 30-03-2017 12:29pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 954 ✭✭✭

    I'm trying to use static DNS on f2000 modem. Can successfully edit settings and required info, problem is this reverts back to original eir DNS after save? Technical support tried same result advised to try third party modem.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 807 ✭✭✭eir: Anna

    Hi tipperaryboy,

    Thanks for getting in touch.

    If you follow the follwing steps it should save your settings:

    • Log into you WiFi
    • Select Internet
    • Select/Click on Edit
    • Static DNS: This will be unticked. Select it so it’s ticked
    • Settings option will now appear please input the static IPs you wish to use opposite
    • Ensure to click save to save changes.

    Please feel free to get back in touch if you have any further queries.

