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Is it safe to criticise Mods?

  • 18-03-2017 5:05pm
    Registered Users Posts: 10,329 ✭✭✭✭

    Why do certain mods try to stifle posters opinions?
    I've been on a certain thread that was following a recent story. I'm aware it sparked some emotions, but I felt the mods were a bit OTT in their heavy handedness by snipping comments, warning posters, and even closing the thread!!!! :confused:
    There was no reason for them to be so ....... hitler-Esqe in their behaviour towards posters that were asking legitimate questions and observations !!
    Is it a case of some just get a bit "Godly" with their power? Is it a power trip ??
    I dont understand why they have to sensor people's questions towards world news, and I think they are in danger of ruining boards !!
    Opinions ?

    "Bright lights and Thunder .................... " #NoPopcorn


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