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Bathroom extractor fan to cope with power shower

  • 14-03-2017 9:05pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭

    We're in a new house and the ensuite has a supajet power shower. There is a fan above and even when I leave it on for ages with ensuite door ajar, it doesn't seem to really tackle the moisture.

    Fast forward 3 weeks and there is already mould appearing on the ceiling.

    I'm looking for recommendations for a high power extraction fan, I'd imagine existing is 8 years old.


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 13,056 ✭✭✭✭Calahonda52

    Have you looked at the extraction pipe work in the attic, could be that white flexi stuff all coiled up, might even be full of water condensate..
    I always go 6", about 70 euro

    “I can’t pay my staff or mortgage with instagram likes”.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,827 ✭✭✭fred funk }{

    Mink wrote: »
    We're in a new house and the ensuite has a supajet power shower. There is a fan above and even when I leave it on for ages with ensuite door ajar, it doesn't seem to really tackle the moisture.

    Fast forward 3 weeks and there is already mould appearing on the ceiling.

    I'm looking for recommendations for a high power extraction fan, I'd imagine existing is 8 years old.

    I've just installed an in-line fan that goes in the attic. There's a grill on the bathroom ceiling. It's very powerful and there's not a bit of steam on there when the shower is on.

    Got it on amazon. It's made Manrose, think it was about £50.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 17,220 ✭✭✭✭Sleeper12

    Have you looked at the extraction pipe work in the attic, could be that white flexi stuff all coiled up, might even be full of water condensate.. I always go 6", about 70 euro

    Totally agree. The 4" fans are really for smells rather than steam.

    We never had mould problems when I was a kid. There was no such thing as double glazing. We had vents but they weren't needed as that much of a draft came in the Windows. In the bathroom the shower had no pump so there was almost no steam. We'd nearly have to run around the shower to get wet. I love my 3bar pump on my shower but the more hot water the more steam. Guess we can't have it every way. :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    Have you looked at the extraction pipe work in the attic, could be that white flexi stuff all coiled up, might even be full of water condensate..
    I always go 6", about 70 euro

    God you're right, I've not even checked in the attic to see what the story is. That will be my first port of call before I do anything else.
    Thanks for tip re 6".
    Sleeper12 wrote: »
    We never had mould problems when I was a kid. There was no such thing as double glazing. We had vents but they weren't needed as that much of a draft came in the Windows. In the bathroom the shower had no pump so there was almost no steam. We'd nearly have to run around the shower to get wet. I love my 3bar pump on my shower but the more hot water the more steam. Guess we can't have it every way. :)

    Very true, never had mould problems in our 80 yr old single glazed house growing up either. It was freezing but there was no issue at that time blasting the heating/ fire. But also, we were just used to it.

    This new house (B3) is far more air-tight/insulated then our previous house. I find it very warm, even stuffy so I need to check the vents generally. I have a mortal fear of mould and dampness.

    The previous house was a C3 but there was a powerful draw from chimney downstairs, even when fire not lift, it created drafts and was always a little colder downstairs but there was absolutely zero damp/condensation downstairs and I could put a wash on clothes horse and it was pretty much dry the following lunchtime.
