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Noob Question on Options (calculating profit)

  • 12-03-2017 11:14pm
    Registered Users Posts: 2,073 ✭✭✭

    Hi Guys,

    I was curious on Degiro and looked at options, I looked at some Snap Inc options and saw some reasonably priced Puts. So I bought a few of them.

    Link here

    Now i'm confused, the website i linked says I'll only profit if the price is below $19.84. Even though the strike price is $25. I paid €0.50 for each Put.

    So if Snap Inc is $20 on the strike date. Do i not earn $25 - ($20+ €0.50), so roughly $4.50 per Put?

    Can anyone 'splain why the stock price needs to be less than 80% of the strike price to make a profit?
