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Typescript Async Await

  • 06-03-2017 10:46am
    Registered Users Posts: 1,298 ✭✭✭

    Hey Guys,

    Anyone else used this feature? I started introducing it to a project over the weekend and I fricken love it!!

    the config can be a bit of a pain in the neck.

    This is my grunt file ts compiler

    options: {
    module: "commonjs",
    target: "es5",
    noImplicitAny: false,
    sourceMap: true,
    lib: [
    experimentalDecorators: true,
    emitDecoratorMetadata: true,
    noEmitHelpers: true,
    noEmitOnError: true,
    importHelpers: true

    I also needed some dependencies such as tslib in order to get the functionality to compile properly.

    Anyone else using this in their projects? would like to get a conversation going around using TS with async code.
