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Cutting into vapour seal on dry lining

  • 30-11-2016 8:34pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,315 ✭✭✭

    Hi all,

    I have to hang a new radiator, a simple job that's turning into a hard one. The new rad is a standard 1400mm, the old one is 57" (1450mm) with wider mount points. Of course, the mount points on the old just about make it to the battens behind the wall. Thus the new radiator mounts will miss the battens.

    I could attach new battens to the current ones, inside the wall. That means opening the wall. But there's a plastic sheet as a vapour barrier - if I cut that to get in, is that a bad idea? Can't I just tape it back up?

    I should mention that the plastic heating pipes come under the concrete floor, then a short piece of L shaped copper pipe brings them up about 200mm from the floor and then out through the wall. In the wrong place for the new radiator. There is zero slack on the pipe - if the new rad is proud by even 3-4mm, I'll need to hack the wall out anyway to replace the copper pieces. I suppose that means those pipes come through the vapour barrier anyway too!
