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b593-22 Vodafone Query

  • 28-11-2016 5:11pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,006 ✭✭✭

    I currently have a B593-22 at home with a Vodafone Sim - the connection seems to time out after a certain period of time - is there any way to stop the connection timing out? If you turn the device off and back on again the connection works fine.


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 789 ✭✭✭editorsean

    As far as I can tell, there is no setting in the B593s-22 to auto-disconnect after a certain period of time, unless Vodafone has a customised firmware that disconnects after a certain idle period.

    Before looking at the router web interface, the first thing I suggest is try placing the router in another part of the house. This should help rule out it switching back and forth between two masts that may be causing the issue. For example, if the 4G reception is weak, your router could be intermittently switching between 3G and 4G mode, eventually losing the connection.

    The next thing I would suggest trying is force the router to use either 3G or 4G mode, depending on which network mode you are using.

    You can lock the mode as follows:
    1. In your web browser, go to
    2. Enter 'admin' for the username and password.
    3. Click 'Internet' on the top menu, then click 'Network connection' on the left menu.
    4. Put your mouse over the top-right signal indicator and look at the pop-up that appears, for example:
    5. Change the 'Network mode' drop-down to match what appeared in the pop-up, i.e. '3G' or '4G'
    6. Make sure the 'Connection mode' drop-down is 'Always On'.
    7. Click the 'Submit' button.

    To undo that change, just repeat the above steps, but choose 'Auto' for step 5.

    If your router has Vodafone customised firmware, the steps may not match up. In this case, I would also suggest checking through the menus in the web Interface to see if there is any setting mentioning about an idle disconnect or time-out period.

    If your connection still does not remain stable and you were using 4G mode, you can try repeating the above steps, but choose '3G' for step 5 to see if the connection remains up in 3G mode.
