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Cuba - Accommodation/Casa Advice?

  • 26-11-2016 9:57pm
    Registered Users Posts: 446 ✭✭

    I'm heading to Cuba in late February/early March next year with my boyfriend for 2 weeks. The flights are booked but not the accommodation - we were mostly going to do the casa particulares thing, and I read somewhere that it's fine to just book a place for your first destination, as the casa owner can book you in for your next stop or stops using their contacts. Has anyone done this or had some experience staying in casas? From what I've researched so far, most hotels seem expensive and not great value for money. Any advice at all would be appreciated!

    As for our travels, we plan to centre the trip around Havana, Vinales and Trinidad, with day trips and maybe an extra stop or two as well (especially for a bit of beach). Varadero is not really on the cards.
