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zgemma h2s to Triax Link with RCA to Scart Cable issue

  • 12-09-2016 7:46pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2


    I have connected a zgemma h2s satellite box (RCA output) to a Triax Tri-Link (Scart input), I'm getting an image on the second TV and sound via the RF2 Output (9V) on the Triax but it is in Black & White.
    Connecting the Triax Tri-Link (Scart output to TV Scart input) also gives a Black & White image on the 1st TV.

    Anyone having a clue on what I'm doing wrong in this case?

    Thanks in in advance,


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,905 ✭✭✭steveon

    DucanH wrote: »

    I have connected a zgemma h2s satellite box (RCA output) to a Triax Tri-Link (Scart input), I'm getting an image on the second TV and sound via the RF2 Output (9V) on the Triax but it is in Black & White.
    Connecting the Triax Tri-Link (Scart output to TV Scart input) also gives a Black & White image on the 1st TV.

    Anyone having a clue on what I'm doing wrong in this case?

    Thanks in in advance,

    On the tv you are tuning the picture to make sure you change the settings to Ireland or Pal I on some older tvs

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,278 ✭✭✭Thurston?

    DucanH wrote: »
    I have connected a zgemma h2s satellite box (RCA output) to a Triax Tri-Link (Scart input), I'm getting an image on the second TV and sound via the RF2 Output (9V) on the Triax but it is in Black & White.
    Connecting the Triax Tri-Link (Scart output to TV Scart input) also gives a Black & White image on the 1st TV.

    Anyone having a clue on what I'm doing wrong in this case?

    AV settings in the zgemma box? Maybe System Settings>Audio/Video, what are the current settings?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2 DucanH

    @Steveon and Thurston, thanks very much for the suggestions.
    In the end it was the "System Settings>Audio/Video" settings for some reason I had to change that to "Scart" instead of "HDMI" however the HDMI Output is still working after that change as well.
    So all is sorted and working a treat, thanks again for the help.

