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Amend Payee new bank Details

  • 06-09-2016 10:30am
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 625 ✭✭✭

    One of my payees has changed bank details. how do I amend the old details with their new accounct details


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 735 ✭✭✭Bank of Ireland: Nicola

    shane b wrote: »
    One of my payees has changed bank details. how do I amend the old details with their new accounct details
    Hi shane b, thanks for getting in touch.

    To update your payee details you’ll firstly need to delete the old payee.
    • Select 'Manage Accounts' on the left hand menu and click on 'Manage Payees'
    • Choose the 'payee' you want to delete from your list of registered payees and click 'Delete'
    • Click the 'Delete Payee' button
    You can then add the new payee details again by choosing 'Manage Accounts' in the left hand menu, clicking on 'Manage Payees’ and then choosing the option to add a new payee.

    For security reasons, the new payee won’t be active until you activate it with a security code. This code will be sent directly to your mobile phone or mailed to you by post (depending on the choice made when adding the payee details).Once the payee is activated, you can start making payments to your new payee immediately.

    Hope this helps, please let me know if you need anything else.
