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*Laptop as a gift*

  • 20-08-2016 1:48am
    Registered Users Posts: 444 ✭✭

    Please excuse me. But with laptops/PCs/life in general... I am thick.

    I'm back home for my darling brothers 21st. He's been on about a gaming laptop for quite a while. He says laptop, but isn't actually bothered whether it's a laptop or PC (Hence why I'm now like where do I post this? So massive apologies if it's wrong place!)

    My budget is probably €800, but I know my other bro could chuck in to round that up to a grand.

    I'm torn, laptops are wonderful and portable and easy to connect to say quite a large monitor then can use wireless keyboard. (I think) but I prefer having an actual computer just cause... Well I can't say why. I just do.

    For a bit, he was thinking of building one but I genuinely don't even trust him making spaghetti, so don't know how a PC would work out.

    He's never had any gaming equipment bar a PS and numerous Nintendo DS's's. And a wii. Which I don't care what anyone says, the wii is the greatest console and anyone who doesn't agree... I challenge you to a 100pin bowling duel. Or table tennis.

    Anywhere in Galway I could walk into and buy a decent laptop? What kind specs are important for a gaming laptop?

    Also, Windows only. He has an aversion to Apple and that also includes the fruit.

    Again, if this post is inapporopraie. I apologise and please move/delete.



  • Registered Users Posts: 5,278 ✭✭✭mordeith

    There is not much value in gaming laptops from bricks and mortar shops here. It is very much dependent on what games he his looking to play. A PC will offer more value for money and this is increased again if you go down the self build route. Of course as he has no PC previously he is going to be looking at getting all the peripherals as well (monitor, speakers, keyboard, (gaming) mouse unless it will be hooked up to a decent TV.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 29,930 ✭✭✭✭TerrorFirmer

    I would say if there's no pressing need for a laptop as well as a gaming machine, like college or work, you'd be definitely better off with a desktop for several reasons.

    If you spent €800 on a gaming laptop and a gaming desktop, the latter would be more than twice as fast - and would be far more up-gradable and generally last a lot longer.

    800 is a pretty decent budget even if you need a monitor, speakers, keyboard and mouse. For example the below comes to pretty much €800 on the button and includes a monitor....just add another €50 for speakers and a keyboard and mouse if required. It would run all the latest games at 1080p ultra settings no problem. It also has an SSD so boot times would be lightning fast, but this isn't essential.

    By comparison a laptop for the same would run games at 1080p medium-some low settings.

    These prices are from OCUK by the way. You can check around Amazon and other sites as well, just to more give you an idea of what you're looking at.

    Self-building generally saves you a couple hundred euro but if you're very against building it yourself, there are some sites have some pretty respectable machine prices - is one. Something like this as an example. Doesn't have a monitor or an SSD but considering performance would be identical to the PC I've put together and it comes with a genuine Windows 10 license, it's a good deal.

