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Laptop for work. What to buy and where to buy it?

  • 14-07-2016 11:05am
    Registered Users Posts: 13,312 ✭✭✭✭

    Budget: 1000 euro. More if necessary.

    Intended use: Work, a LOT of Skype calls, Run GIS software if possible (but maybe not 100% essential), MS office, emails, connect to remote networks. My broadband is snailpace if that makes a difference. (PITA with remote meetings all the time)

    Mobility: Have done a lot of travel in past, would prefer 13 inch I think, and then plug into large screen at home. Prefer a lighter machine. (Current is Lenovo Thinkpad Ultrabook, which I have to give back.)

    Warranty: Think Id prefer to wing it.

    What Operating System do you use? Most used to Windows.

    Appreciate any help. Got good advice here when I bought my laptop for home use 5 years ago.
