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First Time Build

  • 13-07-2016 5:39pm
    Registered Users Posts: 3

    Hi all,

    I've been thinking about building a pc for a while now and I've decided (since I have some money saved) that now would be the best time to start ordering the parts for the build. I've mainly played on consoles the last 5+ years and would love to get back into pc gaming, I play a limited amount of games on my laptop at the minute but I don't have long left with that. This will be my first ever build and I have little to no experience with it, taking apart my laptop to clean it would be the most of it! So all help would be greatly appreciated. Just looking for a good pc that will last for a while and would be easily upgradable down the road.

    I know I haven't put down a budget for the monitor/peripherals but I'm just looking to buy good quality items for those areas, so whatever recommendation you have for those I'm all ears.

    1. What is your budget? €1200 for the pc itself not including the monitor or any peripherals.

    2. What will be the main purpose of the computer? Mainly gaming, Overwatch, Battlefield, Doom, Far Cry Primal, No man’s sky, star citizen. Would also download a good bit of movies/tvshows on it.

    3. Do you need a copy of Windows? Yes

    4. Can you use any parts from an old computer? Nope

    5. Do you need a monitor? Yes

    5a. If yes, what size do you need. 24' or more?

    5b. If no, what resolution is your current monitor and do you plan to upgrade in the near future? NA

    6. Do you need any of these peripherals? Keyboard/Mouse/Wireless Card/Speakers/Headphones

    7. Are you willing to try overclocking? No

    8. How can you pay? Credit Card/Paypal/Laser

    9. When are you purchasing? In the next 2-3weeks

    10. If you need help building it, where are you based? Mayo

