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Lost a really great guy :(

  • 21-04-2016 1:32pm
    Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭

    I lost a really, really great guy and all because I over analyzed things and created a problem when there was no problem:( . He was really good to me, came to visit me etc. Then I started over thinking things when his texts were not as detailed. This was only for 2 days.
    I talked to my friend about him and painted him a bad light:(
    I was only dating him but felt we had a connection and it could have went somewhere.
    We even spoke of going away together for a weekend shortly after a few dates :/
    Unfortunately I have totally ruined it now seen as he has me blocked :( I continued to text him messages.:( I really, really liked him and wish I had just gone with the flow with this one and not said a word about him to anyone.
    I think that's what I can take away from it.Is to keep potential things to yourself until you see how it goes. I am so sad that I ruined it and still can't stop thinking of him.


  • Registered Users Posts: 938 ✭✭✭Ice Storm

    You posted about this guy before, didn't you?

    This is the man who ended things when he saw you were still on a dating site. So not the really, really nice guy you are describing him as.

    You need to move on from this and stop thinking about him as the one who got away. And take heed of the good advice you've already received.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,230 ✭✭✭Merkin

    Multiple threads on the same topic are not permitted. Seeing as you already have an open thread on this topic I advise you post to there as opposed to repeating yourself and wasting posters time. Thread closed.

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