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Career change and Previous study

  • 19-04-2016 8:59pm
    Registered Users Posts: 33


    Any help would be appreciated!

    I've thought about a change of career for some time (currently working in IT), one of the things holding me back is the thought of starting from scratch in education again. I never got a degree but rather jumped in and out of education while working. I have:

    National certificate (Computing based) from an IT,
    Diploma in Computing (Open University),
    H. Dip in Business Systems Analysis (from an IT).

    I understand that these qualifications have changed over the years but I guess my question is if I wanted to stuy in another field, would I get credit for this previous study? Would I be able to apply for a post grad course without a degree? Or would I have to use my previous study as credit and study for and graduate with a BSc. before switching gears?

