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Seagate Manager No Restore Option?

  • 04-04-2016 9:56pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 260 ✭✭

    Hi, I've recently tried to restore my external hardrive by hooking it up and going into Seagate manager, but the restore option simply doesn't show up, any reason why this might be happening, thanks. I select the drives option, then backup option like it tells me, but restore doesn't appear.


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,759 ✭✭✭degsie

    I presume you performed a backup previously?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 260 ✭✭Kraft.l

    degsie wrote: »
    I presume you performed a backup previously?

    Yes when I select and open the external harddrive icon as an f drive previous backups are showing up 3 backups actually, all compressed when I go into the folders I don't go further then that then.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,759 ✭✭✭degsie

    To restore the most recent version of a file that you backed up to your drive:
    Step 1: Click My Drives in the Command panel.
    The My Drives page opens.
    Step 2: Select your drive.
    Step 3: Click Backup.
    The Backup window opens.
    Step 4: Click Restore the most recent version of a backed up file to restore the latest
    version of a file.

    Are these the steps you are following?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 260 ✭✭Kraft.l

    degsie wrote: »
    To restore the most recent version of a file that you backed up to your drive:
    Step 1: Click My Drives in the Command panel.
    The My Drives page opens.
    Step 2: Select your drive.
    Step 3: Click Backup.
    The Backup window opens.
    Step 4: Click Restore the most recent version of a backed up file to restore the latest
    version of a file.

    Are these the steps you are following?

    I'll do those steps again and get back to you.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 260 ✭✭Kraft.l

    degsie wrote: »
    To restore the most recent version of a file that you backed up to your drive:
    Step 1: Click My Drives in the Command panel.
    The My Drives page opens.
    Step 2: Select your drive.
    Step 3: Click Backup.
    The Backup window opens.
    Step 4: Click Restore the most recent version of a backed up file to restore the latest
    version of a file.

    Are these the steps you are following?

    Yep I've done all that, the restore option doesn't seem to show up when I get to that point though, wonder why that could be?

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