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ICT upgrade for small FE unit

  • 31-03-2016 10:57am
    Registered Users Posts: 13

    Hi, had a quick search through the forum but didn't see any previous threads so here goes. I teach in a v small adult FE school administered by our local ETB. The current ICT provisions are pitiful in the extreme, in part due to our size but also due to our principal's lack of IT awareness. I am in the first steps of putting a proposal together to upgrade everything.
    What I have in mind is a centralised server so admin and data can be upgraded, teaching materials etc stored electronically, some sort of website ( Moodle etc) where students can access courses and materials off site, either iPads or preferably chrome books/ laptops for students. We would need perhaps 6 iPads/chromebooks, a secure lockable charging unit for them and perhaps another 4 or 5 iPads/chromebooks for teachers.
    We have a v small staff of approx 5 teacher, all teaching towards QQI certification. I've been looking at wriggle etc but wondering if anyone would have an idea of initial cost and fees etc. Just to get a ballpark idea in my head before we go any further. I'd imagine I'll be going through head office and will probably be using whatever their appointed supplier is but just looking for thoughts and figures. thanks in advance


  • Registered Users Posts: 356 ✭✭mick kk

    Get set up on google apps for education. Very useful for allowing students and teachers to interact online.

    Ipads are not all they are cracked up to be - maybe start out with a few before you roll it out fully.

  • Registered Users Posts: 187 ✭✭Nadser

    Have you considered what educational benefit iPads would bring to your students? I have been teaching ICT in FE for many years and they don't feature on my wish list at all (nor do any tablets). I think they're often used because they're trendy but their purpose isn't always clear. (Of course you may have already linked them to clear learning objectives.)

    A competent computer teacher should have no problem setting up Moodle on a server which could be simply a dedicated computer. However that might seem too much hassle. The cloud is the way to go and if you have a Google account, files, calendars etc. can be easily shared with students.
