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finding things to do in tallaght

  • 01-03-2016 4:44pm
    Registered Users Posts: 280 ✭✭

    I'm really struggling to find anything to do with my kids in my area. I live close to citywest.
    There is part of a playground around the corner. There used to be a slide but that was destroyed.
    The seesaw is broken and there's usually glass around and people selling drugs in the houses across the road.
    Dogs roam freely so bringing my dog for a walk is out of the question as I don't know if she will be attacked or aggressive herself.
    There's fields around but people tend to dump rubbish in them and one close by had two attacks in the same week in it recently.
    It's a terrible area really but the only place we could afford to rent.
    Timing outings to the park can't be planned to breaks in the rain as it's a bus ride away to Sean Walsh park.
    I have no car or I'd pack them all up and go to corkagh.
    I've a one year old and a 4 year old and we're fed up at home.
    Anyone in this area or similar with any suggestions.
