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Interior Design Academy of Ireland, any advice?

  • 04-01-2016 2:59pm
    Registered Users Posts: 40

    Hello guys,

    I'm trying to gather as many information as possible about the Interior Design Academy of Ireland.
    I'm dreaming a lot to become an Interior Designer, but since I'm working 8 to 9 hours per day is not simple for me.
    I saw the IDAI courses and diploma studying at home, and I'm close to decide to sign up for the Higher Diploma. It will basically give me the possibility to access directly to the third year of University once I completed the Diploma.
    I'd like to know anything good or bad you have to tell me about this school and in general as well about the Interior Designer as career.
    Thank you so much for your help.


  • Registered Users Posts: 421 ✭✭banoffe2

    Hi Zuzi, I worked with an Interior Designer some years ago and from my experience it is a very competitive market, I was an assistant and didn't train or have the desire to even though friends consider me very creative. 3 of those who trained in Interior design moved on to other careers as they discovered that unless you set up your own business which is both a huge expense and risk , you will end up working as a shop/sales assistant, same work as I did without any training. I know that this designer gets very little work now but made a lot of money in the good times, I know two other designers and neither of them depend on it for a living it is a side line. I hope that my experience and honesty is of some help to you. Would you look into other opportunities to use your creativity? Best of luck.

  • Registered Users Posts: 40 Zuzi

    Thank you for your answer!
    Yes I know is a competitive market.
    So far I've worked in a field that is ok, I like it, but is not my passion.
    Is good to know what are the expectations, but at the same time we need to follow some passion as well.
    I'll take into consideration your feedback anyway :)
    I'm thinking to give priorities to my life.

    Thank you again!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 11 Galway901

    Hi Marta,
    It’s been over a year. How is the course going for you? I am in a similar position to you were back when you posted here and considering doing the same course.
    Any feedback you be would be great to hear😀
