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Replacing the Vodafone hg658c router

  • 23-12-2015 11:35pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7

    Just as the title says looking to replace the standard Vodafone fibre roadways router with a modem. I've tried absolutely everything to just disable the wifi but to no avail and just need it replaced at this stage!

    So I was just looking for some suggestions that I could replace it with that would work well!


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8,015 ✭✭✭CreepingDeath


    I've got one of those.
    Shouldn't be too hard to disable.

    1. Go to the routers administration page :
    2. Username and password are vodafone & vodafone by default
    3. Under the "Basic" tab on the left hand side, click on Wi-Fi
    4. There's an "Enable Wi-Fi" checkbox on the top of the screen.
    Uncheck it, and then hit the button "Submit" at the bottom.

    If that doesn't work (can't test it now or I'll lose my internet connection here), then on the same page there's an "SSID Index" drop down box which should say "SSID1".

    5. Uncheck the "Enable SSID" checkbox and hit submit
    6. There's also SSID2, SSID3 and SSID4 in that drop down box.
    Select each of those in turn and ensure the "Enable SSID" checkbox is off. If it is checked, then uncheck it and hit submit for each one.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7 Cyphersmurf

    I've done that previously, oddly and weirdly the wifi stays on but no longer but allows any device to connect to it, at this stage I wanna just replace it entirely just to be sure it doesn't interfere with the set up I have but thanks!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,337 ✭✭✭davo2001

    I've done that previously, oddly and weirdly the wifi stays on but no longer but allows any device to connect to it, at this stage I wanna just replace it entirely just to be sure it doesn't interfere with the set up I have but thanks!

    There is an option to bridge the device (use it as a modem only) and use any router of your choosing, see the below thread:

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,583 ✭✭✭✭guil

    Have you tried holding the wifi button beside the power button? After a few second the wifi light will go off.
