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Laptop suggestions please

  • 24-11-2015 1:27am
    Registered Users Posts: 1,160 ✭✭✭

    I'm looking to buy a new laptop in the next few months. I don't mind waiting until after Christmas if there's any decent sales although I suspect not.

    My current laptop is here
    It's served me well over the five and a half years but I fancy an upgrade. I'm probably going to offload this to a family member but just out of curiosity how much would this be worth second hand?

    The one thing I'm 100% on is that I want a 17.3" screen as I don't think I could go back to a smaller screen.

    Budget is anywhere from €600 - €1200, I'd be leaning more towards €800 - €1000 however I keep seeing in threads that people generally buy expensive laptops which they don't actually need so I'm keeping an open mind.

    It'll primarily be used for browsing, watching videos, small bit of office work. I'm a bit of a multitasker so I usually have between 5 and 15 browser tabs open, a few notepad instances and a few programs running in the background (MS office, uTorrent etc...).

    Occasionally it'll be used for games (but not state of the art FPS's or anything, probably just some classic games a few times a year e.g. Sim City, Cannon Fodder etc.. when I get the urge). A few times a year, I'll be using it for Photoshop, web design, programming (Eclipse and SpringSource), video editing, so while I don't need a state of the art laptop to handle this, it would be nice to have one that could handle these tasks even if it's not the most responsive. Although in saying that my current laptop handles this stuff reasonably well so I imagine given the technological gains in the last 5 years this won't have become an issue.

    Operating system: I'm thinking of giving some version of Linux a whirl, I've used it occasionally in the past and I work in IT and can use Google so I'm thinking now would be a good time to make the break from Windows.

    Storage, I'd like at least 1Tb (which I presume is standard these days), although 2Tb would be preferable. Portability while desirable is not a necessity.

    Thanks, I await your suggestions.
