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Accountancy Training Choices...

  • 08-11-2015 1:03am
    Registered Users Posts: 132 ✭✭

    Hello all,

    My wife is currently working in full time employment as an assistant office manager in a retail store. We have just returned home from Canada, where she had been extensively working in office administration, but she wants to try add some accounts courses to her resume, so that she will be a little more employable, as there seems to be LOTS of places looking for people with accounting experience\training, which unfortunately she has none of.

    My question then, can anyone give some guidance of what kinds of training would be best that employers are looking for or put more weight in as they'd see CVs land on their desks. We've looked at some METAC courses and others but at this point want try to invest wisely (if this is going to cost her a couple grand) to enrol and do the course to only have employers place zero value in what she has completed.

    She's hoping to do evening courses, maybe one or two years in duration and would consider paid courses or back to education type courses so long as there is some employment value at the end of it.

    Thanks all.
