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Bromelia care in Irish home

  • 27-10-2015 1:16am
    Registered Users Posts: 17

    Hello everyone,

    My father bought me this flower, actually two of them, over 2 months ago for my birthday. They came in a nice duo set where the main pot is reasonably big so that the flowers could stand without falling over, and the other one sits almost fully above the first flower, in same pot, placed on a long decorative stick. Bottom one's crown (flower tops) leaves in red colour started to brown whereas the second flower is still red and lovely yet I can see a small patch of brown is starting to form and spread as well.

    I had no idea how to water this duo and all I knew was what sales person in Supervalue said to my father: "Water it very little and to the top of the flower only". So, I was watering it from time to time randomly, without any schedule, with little of water each time poured to the crown.0 Let's say about 10-20ml per watering. Temperature in rooms vary from 15-20*C. Air humidity is about 60%. Ground in the pots is dry as suggested. Duo Bromelia stays in a living room, on a glass table where there is plenty of light. I think the main issue was too much or too little of water...

    I am absolutely in love with these flowers, and since mentioned duo is starting to die, just bought another 4 gorgeous Bromelia Brigadas in singular pots from Lidl at 4 euro each. =) There are no instructions as such and label is saying nothing valuable. I tried finding info online, but nothing made it clear to me how to take a good care of these beauties so that they would last me a long long time...

    As far as I understood, these are not a once-off/temporary plants, or are they? Does this flower regrow it's colourful top? If it's a temporary plant, is that browning of flower's crown a normal sign of an aging plant? How often should i water the new plants and with how much water? Are there any specific info I should know about these Bromelia Brigadas?

    Thank you all in advance. ;)
