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Double sided stove - how hot is too hot?

  • 20-10-2015 12:07pm
    Registered Users Posts: 6


    We're currently trying to decide between a Scan DSA 12 and a Barbas Energa 70/55 Tunnel for a kitching / living area with room divider. The fireplace would be built up to approx 5ft in blockwork with an exposed flue to the ceiling. Overall dimensions of room are 13.5m x 5.3m x 2.8m however the living room section of the room is 4m x 5.3m.

    My question relates to the heat output and whether any furniture in the smaller area would be too close to the Barbas given it's output and size of the viewing window.

    (Scan outputs 5-11kw whereas the Barbas outputs 10-25kw)

    Note the Barbas would be our preference but not if it's too hot for the space.

    Thanks in advance for your help.
