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Unpaid maternity leave - late application

  • 10-10-2015 2:09am
    Registered Users Posts: 1

    My employer was aware I was going to take unpaid mat leave and my role is covered until that date, with holiday time accrued added on.
    I was late officially applying though and last payroll was paid 6 days holiday pay.
    Payroll say can be adjusted. Boss has no problem with me taking unpaid leave. Social Welfare dept say it's ok.
    Are there any legal issues for the company to accept my late application?
    My research indicates its at employer's discretion to accept but one person says there is no wiggle room and they cannot accept late application



  • Registered Users Posts: 171 ✭✭chickenlicken2

    surfber wrote: »
    Payroll say can be adjusted.
    Boss has no problem with me taking unpaid leave.
    Social Welfare dept say it's ok.

    I would say relax.
    For revenue and social welfare purposes payroll data isn't live. It's start of job start of year end of job end of year. So they won't have details of a change like this

    For prsi purposes as far as I recall unpaid needs to start immediately after paid. Your payroll dept will adjust the payslip for holiday payment. You have the ok from payroll, your boss and social welfare already. Maybe get an email from them confirming dates of unpaid mat leave if you are worrying about it.
