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New qqi course but some modules done with fetac. Will I have to repeat?

  • 14-09-2015 11:25pm
    Registered Users Posts: 5

    Hi there,

    I am currently doing a medical administration course which involves word processing as one of the modules.

    I received a distinction in word processing with fetac in 2010 while doing Media Production.

    Fetac is now known as QQI and the codes for these modules have changed, although they are the same thing.

    I was looking on the qqi website and it states that the old module will not be deactivated until December 2015. Does this mean I can use the word processing module I have and not have to do it over? I don't mind if I have to, it would be just easier if I didn't.

    Thank you in advance for any help you can give.


  • Registered Users Posts: 187 ✭✭Nadser

    Unfortunately you will have to do the new 5N1358 Word Processing module. QQI only allow you to use previous awards obtained in the last five years as exemptions i.e. only modules achieved since May 2011, if you are completing your course in May 2016.
