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Photoshop Text Help

  • 07-09-2015 9:36pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 41

    Hi i'm trying to replicate the text in the picture in photoshop but can't figure it out, could anyone help ? not too worried about the font more wanting to do the effect where the letters look bigger at the bottom.


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 544 ✭✭✭biketard

    This isn't something you would usually do in Photoshop. It's more of an Illustrator thing.

    HOWEVER, assuming you just want to know how to do a similar effect in Photoshop, I suppose you could type something out in big letters, then choose Layer > Later Style > Drop Shadow.
    - Set "Blend mode" to normal.
    - Click on the colour box immediately to the right of that to select your colour.
    - Set the "angle" to 90 degrees.
    - Set "distance" to whatever works for you (if "preview" is ticked, then you can see how it affects your text as you adjust it)
    - Set "spread" to zero
    - Set "size" to zero

    Let me know it you don't know how to do stuff like outlining the text and filling it with white, etc.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 41 !BigBadBarry

    biketard wrote: »
    This isn't something you would usually do in Photoshop. It's more of an Illustrator thing.

    HOWEVER, assuming you just want to know how to do a similar effect in Photoshop, I suppose you could type something out in big letters, then choose Layer > Later Style > Drop Shadow.
    - Set "Blend mode" to normal.
    - Click on the colour box immediately to the right of that to select your colour.
    - Set the "angle" to 90 degrees.
    - Set "distance" to whatever works for you (if "preview" is ticked, then you can see how it affects your text as you adjust it)
    - Set "spread" to zero
    - Set "size" to zero

    Let me know it you don't know how to do stuff like outlining the text and filling it with white, etc.

    Thanks for the quick reply, tried that and still not really getting the bubble type of effect i'm looking for. Do i need Illustrator ? I'd be grateful if u could tell me how to do the outlining text and filling with white.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 544 ✭✭✭biketard

    OK, here's just a quick one. Obviously not the right font (I've used "Bauhaus 93"), but you said you were more interested in how to emulate the effect.

    1 - Type the word (big letters are better - I've used a 72pt font, but you could go even bigger).
    2 - Select the text
    3 - Layer > Rasterize > Text (this turns the text into an image)
    4 - While holding down ctrl, click on the layer in the "layers" window (this will select the outline of whatever's in that layer).
    5 - Edit > Fill > choose whatever colour you want for the fill (you won't even have to do this if your text is already the right colour)
    6 - Edit > Stroke > choose whatever colour you want for the outline, as well as the thickness (I chose 5 for this example)
    7 - Do the steps I already told you in the previous post to get the thickened bottom. BTW, I should've told you to make sure the opacity is set at 100% when you do the settings for the drop shadow.

    Here's what that got me:


    To get it even closer to your original one, you could do different colours for each letter (would have to do them one at a time) and overlap them a bit (I'd do that step last). You'd really need to put each letter on a different layer for that, and you'd need to delete the fills so that the letters below could be seen through the letter above. Here's what I ended up with doing that. I just used the magic wand to select the fills before deleting them. And I changed the colours of the letters by using the Image > Adjustments > Hue/Saturation option and just sliding the Hue around till I found colours I liked. There are other ways you could achieve this too.


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 41 !BigBadBarry

    Grand job thanks very much for that,will mess around with it a bit more but definitely getting there, thanks again !
