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Excel - Set a print area to fit a pre-printed template

  • 01-09-2015 12:08pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,803 ✭✭✭

    I have pre-printed invoice templates (i.e physical invoice sheets with no customer details and prices).
    I have an excel sheet made up to match that template, that I can enter details in, automatically add up costs and calculate VAT etc. I print this to pdf if I am emailing an invoice.

    However when I set the printing area to just the details I've added, so that I can print a physical page on one of the pre-printed templates, the printer ignores all the positioning and prints out all the data on the top left (with a page for each separate printing area section, even though the invoice is only one sheet).

    Is there a way to set a print area while keeping the position of the cells around it?


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 25,701 ✭✭✭✭coylemj

    There are two ways to tell Excel to print a selected part of a page of cells....

    1. Swipe (select ) the cells you want to print, then go to the print screen and you'll see a section called 'Print what' where you tick 'Selection' and then click the preview button to see what it's going to print.

    2. Predefine a 'print area', you'll find this as an option within the 'Page Layout' option on the main menu bar.

    Experiment with those and see how you get on.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,803 ✭✭✭Mark Hamill

    coylemj wrote: »
    There are two ways to tell Excel to print a selected part of a page of cells....

    1. Swipe (select ) the cells you want to print, then go to the print screen and you'll see a section called 'Print what' where you tick 'Selection' and then click the preview button to see what it's going to print.

    2. Predefine a 'print area', you'll find this as an option within the 'Page Layout' option on the main menu bar.

    Experiment with those and see how you get on.

    Thanks for the suggestions, however I had tried number 2 and that hadn't worked and I just tried number 1 and it is doing the same thing as what happened with number 2 - ignoring the row/column positioning and printing each non-connected highlighted selection on the top left of a new page (even though everything is on one page on the screen).

    Edit: Maybe what I need is a way to tag certain cells so that their contents wont print but still appear on screen? Is there anyway to do that?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 34 waynerooney

    When you have selected 'print selection' and highlighted all the cells that you want to print look at the 'print preview'. Are the unwanted cells showing in the 'print preview'?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,803 ✭✭✭Mark Hamill

    When you have selected 'print selection' and highlighted all the cells that you want to print look at the 'print preview'. Are the unwanted cells showing in the 'print preview'?

    Sorry for such a late reply, I was away the past 10 days.

    If I highlight one area with 'print selection' then, no matter where the area is on the sheet, 'print preview' only shows the contents on the upper left corner of the preview page. If I add further areas to the 'print selection', then each added area appears on the upper left corner of its own consecutive sheet in 'print preview'.
