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Repeating ACCA P exams. How much time is needed in your experience?

  • 01-08-2015 11:42am
    Registered Users Posts: 100 ✭✭

    I failed P4, which is my last exam before I'm qualified. This is the first ACCA exam I have failed, coming at the final hurdle. Gutted, but I blew up on exam day and had a disaster. I got 42, and could only answer 90% of the paper due to the enormous volume of info in Q1. I didn't even pass what I answered (42/90). Not a fair reflection on the work I put in. I studied for 3 months, trying to balance work, study and sports training and competition. I'd be studying on the bus on the way to work many mornings. I'm pretty sickened, and the thoughts of doing all this again is hard to take. But there are much worse things that can happen in life.

    I have a 2 and a half week trip abroad booked and paid for, which I've had my eye on for almost a year. No way am I cancelling it for the sake of a September resit. I leave Friday week, and don't get back until 1st Sep. P4 is on 11th Sep, which gives me 9 full days to revise and cram for it. I'd have to juggle it with work, but on the plus side I'll be in the middle of the off season in my sport, so won't be training or competing in September, freeing up time.

    Is the above doable? Obviously the earlier I resit, the less work required, as it would be fresher in my head. But at the same time it will possibly ruin my trip having it hanging over me.

    The other option is wait until December. In this case the opposite is the worry. I don't want to do too much study, peak too soon and be burnt out and fed up come exam day. This may have happened in June. If I did 12 weeks first time around, how much time is needed next time around, given its revision, and not starting from scratch. 5 weeks? 6 weeks?

    All advice based on experience would be much appreciated.


  • Registered Users Posts: 1 elverys211

    Hi honest opinion is you need about 10 full days study to pass p4,the very best of luck to you

  • Registered Users Posts: 37 tmkly

    I'd just cram the 9 days and give it everything you've got. If you cancel the holiday and the exam doesn't go your way it would be hard to take! Go on the holiday, enjoy it and don't make the same mistake you made in the June sitting! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 179 ✭✭Lovbnmoma

    Id definitely try it in September but work your ass off for them days in September leading up to it and hopefully it will pay off. Just keep doing past exam papers in them days leading up to it! Best of luck!
