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Foreign Earnings Deduction (F.E.D.) - How to apply

  • 27-07-2015 10:26am
    Registered Users Posts: 927 ✭✭✭

    Hi all,

    I have spent a lot of time in India with work this year (approx 60 days) and I am aware i can apply for the foreign earning deductions tax relief.

    The website is clear on how to calculate how much tax relief/tax back i am entitled to i cannot find any information anywhere on how to apply for this.

    I rang the regional office but they we not much help and didn't seem to even know about it. (less than 100 people last year claimed for F.E.D.)

    So Boards, how do i apply for this, is there a form online that i can download or can it be done as part of the revenue online tax assessment?
