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Waiting list at TCD?

  • 12-07-2015 9:39pm
    Registered Users Posts: 1


    I Have been put on a waiting list for a masters in Finance course at TCD. Does anyone know from experience the standard procedure from here, such as when a place may become available and what the chances are?. I received their email on Friday stating that they have placed me on the waiting list and will contact me if there is a place to be offered. I know they are low chances, since I applied just before the deadline, however I was told to apply by the course administrator, so I believe that when I applied they had places to be filled..

    I do wonder if some people may decide that, once the prospect is facing them, it's too pricey. Well, somewhat empty reasoning but it's all I have for the moment. That and also the course is offered in several universities at a lower price, which I am praying means some lucky students have a pick and eventually decide against TCD.

    Anyway, I'll be calling them soon to ask where I stand on the waiting list. Since, I am an international student, I would have to get the visa and stuff done at the last moment, which freaks me out the most.

    I guess what I'm asking is would a place likely come available in a few weeks (i.e., do you only have a few weeks to accept or decline the offer, typically) or would it more likely happen in the summer or August, close to when the course starts?
