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Dental science tcd

  • 09-07-2015 7:04pm
    Registered Users Posts: 6

    Hi I have my heart set on doing dental science in trinity .Science and health interest me and I really want to do the course. The problem is that I'm so terrified I won't be able to handle it because I'm not ' mechanically minded ' or initiative I'm great at rote learning but when it comes to using tools or problem solving I'm not great at all. Could someone tell me what the course is like and if I will be able for it. I read on the tcd website that there is a small margin for error in this course and that it's one of the hardest in the country . Please can anyone who is doing the course or finished it tell me how it is ? Also how many hours a week would you spend in college when doing this course ( what is the timetable like)
