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'Prime' the Water Softener? Performa 255

  • 24-05-2015 8:54am
    Registered Users Posts: 19

    Hope someone can offer some guidance. Plumbing problems on a Sunday of course. :-)

    >>The basic question is, does a water softener system take time to repressurise/prime/whatever?<<

    I have a well with a storage tank. It flows from that through a water softener and a carbon filter (big blue tanks in the shed) then through the pressure pump into the house.

    The holding tank emptied overnight. (It's an issue with the ball cock. Fixed that.)

    So I refilled the holding tank and the pressure pump kicks in. But after a while, it cuts off.

    Loosened various connections and there is water going into the pump and the pump is putting out water. There is a dribble of water coming oout of the house side of the water softener.

    But only drips of water are getting into the house (or maybe the pipes are just draining).

    I have a strong feeling it's the water softener.

    I am not sure if there some equivalent of 'priming' that has to be done.

    (Oh, and my plumber did not put a bypass on the water softener, so I cannot isolate it.)

