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Bike to Work - Trek vs Cube

  • 06-05-2015 2:56pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1

    I've been looking at some options for the bike to work and would appreciate some advice. I've found a deal that offers the Trek 1.2 with a load of trimmings for the €1000 (shorts and a few bits and pieces). The other deal is the Cube Peloton with a similar package. The spec of the bikes (to my untrained eye) seems similar enough, so any guidance on differences would be appreciated.

    Alternatively I'm tempted to just go up a rank on the Cube and get the Peloton Race for close to €1000 and get the trimmings online.

    I used to commute by bike everyday in London but got away with a single speed as the route was flat as a pancake, hence little knowledge of road bikes, but really enjoyed it so I'd like to get in to doing longer distances.


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,260 ✭✭✭Viper_JB

    Greenhawk wrote: »
    I've been looking at some options for the bike to work and would appreciate some advice. I've found a deal that offers the Trek 1.2 with a load of trimmings for the €1000 (shorts and a few bits and pieces). The other deal is the Cube Peloton with a similar package. The spec of the bikes (to my untrained eye) seems similar enough, so any guidance on differences would be appreciated.

    Alternatively I'm tempted to just go up a rank on the Cube and get the Peloton Race for close to €1000 and get the trimmings online.

    I used to commute by bike everyday in London but got away with a single speed as the route was flat as a pancake, hence little knowledge of road bikes, but really enjoyed it so I'd like to get in to doing longer distances.

    Seems to be a big waiting time for the Peloton race at the moment, I had the option of a 5 week wait or go with a different bike, so I went with the Peloton SL for a few quid extra. Not sure your bike shop would be the same but definitely something to consider, cube can't seem to keep up with the demand at the moment.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 101 ✭✭Daithi101

    I started on a trek 1.2 with basic enough groupset. My commute is circa 45k roundtrip. I am now only changing the groupset after nearly 2 and a half years... Couldn't fault them at all.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 938 ✭✭✭Luxman

    Daithi101 wrote: »
    I started on a trek 1.2 with basic enough groupset. My commute is circa 45k roundtrip. I am now only changing the groupset after nearly 2 and a half years... Couldn't fault them at all.
    Me too. Almost the same. Group set served me very well with a little care. But ended up with a summer bike eventually and the trek is a winter hack

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 602 ✭✭✭fillup

    Daithi101 wrote: »
    I started on a trek 1.2 with basic enough groupset. My commute is circa 45k roundtrip. I am now only changing the groupset after nearly 2 and a half years... Couldn't fault them at all.

    +1 on the Trek. The 1.2 is my weekend bike at the mo and while I'm currently in the market for a new bike I'm depending on the Trek to haul my ass around the WW200 in a few weeks

  • Posts: 3,620 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    Have a Trek 1.5, after putting 1,500km on it still very happy with it.

    There are better deals out there but the 1.2 is a good bike.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 9,238 ✭✭✭Ardennes1944

    ronoc wrote: »
    Have a Trek 1.5, after putting 1,500km on it still very happy with it.

    There are better deals out there but the 1.2 is a good bike.

    What better deals in your opinion are there? Only for my own knowledge.
