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Iran Nuclear "deal"......

  • 10-04-2015 2:04pm
    Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 1,019 ✭✭✭

    The recent historic Iranian nuclear deal amount's to nothing, I was going to write a post about it before the "agreement" with my view that talks would amount to nothing, I was surprised to hear from all the news sources that a deal had been reached, on delving a little further my initial instinct seems to have been vindicated.
    It was simply a western PR stunt to show the uneducated people of the world that the US was a nation of peace, not war.......yea right!

    As far as I'm concerned it will amount to nothing, just the US doing what it does best, hoodwinking sovereign nations into a false notion of peace, the ink on the framework (not deal) was barely dry when the US and Iran had conflicting views on what was agreed and not.

    While I disagree with nuclear anything Iran as a signatory to the IAEA has every right to enrich uranium for energy and research purposes, every security agency on the planet knows Tehran wasn't making a bomb, Israel could take a leaf out of Iran's transparency on it's nuclear activities and arsenal, which of course it won't and nobody will bat an eyelid.
    Below is a summary of U.S. and Iranian accounts on how quickly sanctions would be removed in case of a deal.

    U.S. VIEW

    According to a 'fact sheet' released by the United States after the framework deal was announced, "Iran will receive sanctions relief, if it verifiably abides by its commitments."

    U.S. and European sanctions related to Iran's nuclear program will be suspended after the International Atomic Energy Agency verifies that Iran has met all its commitments under the agreement. Sanctions can "snap back" if Iran "fails to fulfill its commitments."

    U.N. Security Council resolutions related to Iran's nuclear program will be lifted "simultaneous with the completion, by Iran, of nuclear-related actions addressing all key concerns (enrichment, Fordow, Arak, PMD, and transparency)."

    U.S. officials have said the suspension of sanctions will take months to a year, depending on confirmation of Iran's compliance with a final deal.

    (Sources: Reuters, U.S. State Department)


    Iran's top negotiators have repeatedly said that sanctions relief would not be implemented in phases, as claimed by the United States. Instead, the Iranians insist, all nuclear-related United Nations resolutions, as well as U.S. and EU nuclear-related economic and financial sanctions, will be lifted immediately once a comprehensive nuclear accord is signed.

    Iranian foreign minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has disputed the U.S. 'fact sheet,' saying he had protested the issue with U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry.

    An Iranian version of a 'fact sheet' released to Iranian media following the framework accord said the following: "After the implementation of the Comprehensive Joint Plan of Action, all of the U.N. Security Council resolutions will be revoked, and all of the multilateral economic and financial sanctions by the EU and unilateral sanctions by the United States, including financial, banking, insurance, investment, and all related services in various fields including oil, gas, petrochemicals, and automobile manufacturing will immediately be annulled."

    The Iranian statement adds: "Sanctions against real and legal individuals, organizations, government and private institutions under related nuclear sanctions on Iran including the Central Bank, other financial and banking institutions, SWIFT, Islamic Republic shipping and airlines, and oil shipping will immediately be lifted in a comprehensive manner."

    EU re-imposes sanctions on Iran’s Bank Tejarat, 32 shipping companies.
    The European Union has re-imposed sanctions on Iran’s Bank Tejarat and 32 shipping companies, just a few days after Iran reached a mutual understanding with representatives of the US and EU over its nuclear program.

    How are the Iranian's supposed to trust the west (EU, US), when a few days after the "agreement" sanctions are re-imposed, it's just another dirty tricks campaign by the west to force Iran into a deal it cannot and will not enter into, the western media will quickly get back to it's old bullsh1t about Iran building a bomb and get a chance to use its new bunker buster's on Iran's Fordow site.

    It's all nothing more than smoke and mirror's as usual.

    Pentagon upgrades biggest ‘bunker buster’ bomb in case Iran talks fail - report

    Pentagon Upgraded Biggest ‘Bunker Buster’ Bomb as Iran Talks Unfolded
    Pentagon Tested Improved Bomb in Mid-January, Officials Say


  • Registered Users Posts: 104 ✭✭darrenw5O94

    Are Nuclear weapons actually real?

    I am doubtful, scare tactics i think.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,448 ✭✭✭weisses

    Are Nuclear weapons actually real?

    I am doubtful, scare tactics i think.

    They got me scared

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,127 ✭✭✭✭kerry4sam

    ^^^ 1953 ; can not even imagine the capabilities today!

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,737 ✭✭✭✭degrassinoel

    i just had to..

    I think it's more a case of the west showing they are open to negotiations and can take back what they've said if they're not happy with the conditions or if said conditions aren't met. Though, that's just a layman's opinion of what he's heard through the news

  • Registered Users Posts: 82,083 ✭✭✭✭Overheal

    Are Nuclear weapons actually real?

    I am doubtful, scare tactics i think.

    Famous last words from Hiroshima and Nagasaki residents...

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  • Registered Users Posts: 104 ✭✭darrenw5O94

    Still not convinced, looks like a propaganda yoke to me.

    They don't scare me........ :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,737 ✭✭✭✭degrassinoel

    Still not convinced, looks like a propaganda yoke to me.

    They don't scare me........ :)

    Yeah, see i wouldn't be afraid of dying in a nuke war either - i'd be afraid of surviving one. :P
