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Android job management tablet and app - help please

  • 25-03-2015 11:42am
    Registered Users Posts: 4,539 ✭✭✭

    Hi all,

    A family member runs a small agricultural contracting business. From now until September he'll have 3-4 lads out doing various jobs from cutting turf to baling sileage to emptying slurry tanks.

    In the past he has tried to keep track of the jobs in a notebook (an actual notebook with a pen he keeps in his jeep :eek:) where he records the name of the customer, his contact phone number, the date a job was done, which employee did the job and what the job entailed e.g. 60 minutes emptying a slurry tank or making 60 bales or vutting 200 yards of turf. He gets paid by the various units of "production" so it's critical he keeps track of this info and it's a constant battle to keep it up to date. This manual system worked ok until he lost the notebook last August and had to go back to all his customers and ask them what work his lads had done for them over the preceding weeks and months. Total disaster as you can imagine.

    He has asked me to explore whether it would be viable to give his staff a small tablet/big phone where they could update the work done for each customer and it would all sync to a master document/database he controls.

    In simple terms he would set all his customers up in a spreadsheet type manner and each day each employee would add in what they had done for each customer as they go with the info sync'ing to some cloud hosted service.

    Does this sound feasible? If so I'm looking for two recommendations:-

    1. A simple but tough phone/tablet (must have a sim card) which he can buy and give to each of his employees to update as they complete jobs.

    2. An app which would facilitate this type of job tracking.

    Any suggestions much appreciated.
