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Trinity Music Entrance Exam??

  • 20-02-2015 7:43pm
    Registered Users Posts: 1

    Hey everyone,

    I've applied for a TSM in Trinity through my CAO, with one subject being music. I know there is an entrance exam required for this course. However, I am unable to find much information about this entrance exam.

    I know this much: It will take place on the 28th March 2015 and will include a "simple harmony paper, an ear test, a paper on general musical knowledge and background and an essay paper". I'm not sure if all these elements apply to the TSM course, or if they are for the single honours music/music education courses?

    There are links to sample entrance exams on the Trinity website but when I open the link, it says 'Page Not Found'. I've looked at sample entrance exams for UCC, UCD and CIT. Is it a similar one for TCD?

    And do I need any further registration than the CAO or do I just show up on the day?

    I would really appreciate any help/advice from any Trinity music students, or anyone!

    Thank you in advance
