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how much info can social obtain through your PPS no?

  • 06-01-2015 5:47pm
    Registered Users Posts: 17

    Hi there

    My hours have been reduced in work and I was old by a colleague that I may b entitled to some social welfare payment.

    I had a look on the site and i'm going to call in next week but i'm just wondering how much info can they obtain on their system you giving them your pps no?I understand i'll have to give them some info

    I'm a private person so I don't like the thought that they can access your wages, if you bought a house etc etc

    Thanks in advance


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,758 ✭✭✭eastbono

    Well if you are applying for casual jobseekers allowance which is a means tested payment you will have to provide details on earnings from employment, there will be forms for your employer to complete plus you will have to give 6 months statements from all financial institutions and if you have property that you do not live in you will have to declare that. You will also have to give proof of address and ID. On the other hand if you have an entitlement to jobseekers benefit you will be given some forms for your employer to complete e.g. when your days were reduced, did you ask for the reduction etc etc and you will have to provide proof of address and ID.

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