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advice re iTunes gift vouchers...cannot redeem!

  • 31-12-2014 12:37pm
    Registered Users Posts: 22

    I put a post up a few days ago, but possibly in the wrong category, so I think not many people saw it - hence this post, in the hope that more people might see it!
    I recently put €30 credit from an iTunes voucher into my iTunes account. It's showing that it's there, which is a start. However, when I go to try and spend it in the iTunes store, it's saying 'payment declined', and that my credit card details are incorrect or something. The problem is A) my credit card details are NOT incorrect; they have never changed from before, and B) I'm not TRYING to use my credit card in the first place - I'm trying to spend the iTunes gift voucher! I emailed apple, and the reply I just received has really infuriated me: the guy completely ignored both the title of my email and the content, and has ignored my question, instead sending me a load of automated crap about using your credit card to make purchases in the iTunes store, etc. This is driving me nuts - God I hate apple!! :( Does anyone have any advice; has it happened to anyone before? Any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks to the people who replied to my other post - but I'm still having no luck! :(

