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Access 2010 Running at a Stop !

  • 11-12-2014 7:13pm
    Registered Users Posts: 81 ✭✭

    Hi I have built a database in Access. I have a couple of Crosstab queries that I then run reports off.

    Since I built the reports, when in Report Design Mode the whole database seems to be executing something in the back ground and it comes to a grinding halt, so that even selecting a field in the report designer takes 20 mins for the selection. So building a report that should take 5 mins is taking over 3 hours.

    I converted all my linked table to local, I have the database on my desktop so it's not over a network.

    It's similar to the issue I have come accros in Excel when you have a huge file with a lot of formula's and the Autocalculate is on, so when you make a change it takes ages.
    I don't know if there is a way to stop access from processing in the background when in design modes, to be honest I thought no execution of Queries happened until you ran the query ?

    HAs anyone else come accross this issue and found a resolution ?

    Thanks in advance !:o

