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Human Resources - Panels

  • 06-12-2014 1:50pm
    Registered Users Posts: 1

    Human Resources -

    I'm wondering if anyone can help with this?

    Let's say a company received 85 applications for 30 jobs/positions, and 45 of the 85 applicants were called for an interview. What is the likely outcome if, out of the 45 called for interview, a panel of 30 could not be formed?


    1. A panel be formed of successful applicants, and interviews for a second panel take place? 2. The other previously unsuccessful applicants could be interviewed and a panel of 30 would be formed out of ALL 85 applicants.
    3. All applicants would be interviewed i.e. the 45 that were initially interviewed, and the 40 that were not interviewed first time round.

    Note: The application process itself cannot be re-opened.
