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A bit of calm about my thread of raising the rent would be nice - Heres my update

  • 29-11-2014 5:04pm
    Registered Users Posts: 70 ✭✭

    Well I just logged in to see there were a lot of posts on my thread and that it has been closed and no reason given. I didnt see anything in it deserving of closing it, but I thought people who are interested might like an update. Ive seen far worse threads and dont feel in the least put out by people having a heated discussion with me, so no need to close it on my account at all.

    Obviously I have split opinion in there.
    So just posting this update if anyone is interested.
    I will continue posting updates as it might help those in a similar situation (on both sides of the fence).

    There is a lot of exaggeration going on in that thread.

    The tenants are now moving out on 15th Dec. I have told them I am happy for them to move out on that date. They are moving to the girls brothers house they said.

    The tenants were paying 33% below the market rate for years.
    I was happy with this until they became more effort than the discount was worth.
    I increased the rent by 50% to the market rate. If they move out the next tenant will be paying the market rate anyway.

    The tenants are moving out because I offered them a shorter notice period that would allow them to move out before the rent increases. Me reporting them breaking the law is neither here nor there. I would think that would be my duty as a tax payer and a citizen, wouldnt you? (The boyfriend was also claiming rent allowance for the apartment without my knowledge. I dont know if thats a crime but will ask the relevant authorities should i report it)

    I was accused of evicting them under duress.
    How I could be convicted of evicting someone by telling them that I was going to report their crime I dont know. But i'll let you know what the Gardai say. I'll drop in to them in the next few days on my way to work to ask them if its a crime, but wont report it yet.

    And I didnt give them notice of eviction. I gave them notice of a rent increase effective from 1 Jan 2015. I offered, if they wanted, that i would accept a shorter notice period, should they want to move out before the increase kicked in. They are totally entitled to stay at the higher rent should they wish. I have given no notice to quit.

    And just to clarify, the things i listed in the OP were just a few examples of the hassle they have suddenly (as in from no hassle at all and then suddenly to texts, email, phone calls of threats every single day about trivial things).

    Anyway I have engaged an agent now and handed over the management of the property to them. They will be taking over in Jan. its 8% of the rent and they deal with everything, form getting new tenants, should they move out , to fielding calls and queries from the tenants and collecting the rent and passing it on to me. It should only cost me about 4% after tax.. I told them i only want to hear if any expenses are required above €100. If thats the case the agent rings me and runs it by me. So Im happy with that.

    I'll still drop in and update with the situation if anyone is interested. But as far as im concerned I havent put a foot wrong. If I have and the PRTB decide I have i'll come back and post that too. It seems to be moving fast and god knows what could happen by the 15th but i'll keep you posted.

    Please keep this thread civil so it doesnt get closed because I think it really could be valuable to others to tease this out in a civil manner.
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