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Stability Runner's V Stability Insoles

  • 16-11-2014 12:30pm
    Registered Users Posts: 274 ✭✭

    Hi all.

    Just looking for some advice here. I run sometimes 8 to 10K three or 4 times a week. I get some pain on my right foot. The pain is located on the inside left corner of my right foot near my heal. I had my running style checked recently and was told I needed stability Runner's.

    I don't mind paying for these as I love running, however I was wondering if there were stability insoles that you could buy that would be just as good. I recently bought a pair of Nike running shoes for €150 and this is my motivation for asking about insoles. I would like to be sure before I fork out another €75 or €80.

    Many thanks in advance.

