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Christmas Day Activities

  • 12-11-2014 3:11pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 731 ✭✭✭

    I'm heading home to the parent's house for a few days over Xmas (as usual), along with my other adult siblings. Just wondering what other families without small children to spoil and play with actually get up to for those few days?

    We're all in our late 20s/early 30s now and none of us have kids yet, and those few days are spent glued to our smartphones or watching television.. and eating! We all get along, although we're quite different so creating fun that we all share can be a strain. My parents are happy just to have us around and I enjoy the catch up, but the last few years haven't felt Christmas-y.. it's just like a regular weekend where we all happen to be at home visiting at the same time!

    Do any families do a jigsaw or play board games anymore? I got the gift of a lego set last year off my girlfriend and spent a few hours on Christmas Day building it and drinking Guinness.. it was great!

    Just looking for some ideas to get the family bonding a bit, without a trip to the pub involved!:)


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 186 ✭✭GalwayGirl26

    My family are at the same stage; the last few Christmases have been do boring- like you said, just watching movies and eating! We go out Xmas eve together, but Stephens Day onwards we go out with friends.
    I can't help you; I've decided to go away for Christmas this year with my boyfriend; just because I know I won't miss anything.
    Can't wait for nieces or nephews to come along tbh!!
    Would live to hear what other families do!!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 278 ✭✭cailinardthair

    When were all home we play board games and cards from Christmas eve, Christmas day and st Stephens day. Then me and my sister head to the other halves house and were back up for new years eve bring our boyfriends with us.

    I've been teaching my boyfriend 110 in cards to play with family.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,358 ✭✭✭Into The Blue

    Jenga, jenga and more jenga..

    Skill level rises with the amount of sherry consumed.

  • Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators, Regional East Moderators, Regional North West Moderators Posts: 12,573 Mod ✭✭✭✭miamee

    We've been having family days where we all get together for dinner and often end up playing a game of some sort afterwards. Something like Articulate or Headbands are silly but fun - the more wine or whatever everyone has, the funnier it gets. Sometimes someone won't want to play but you just get them to referee or keep score so that everyone is still involved. My mother refuses to play card games of any description so we play these instead, she loves them :D

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 722 ✭✭✭P_Cash

    Board games are a Christmas tradition here. Nothing like monopoly and turkey sandwiches half way through 6 hrs in.

    We buy a new board game each Christmas, it's great, we have tonnes now.

    But This year we have a 1 yr old.

    Hmmmmm. Still won't change anything.

    You see tv is an everyday thing.

    Get a load of family around and get a few games

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,512 ✭✭✭baby and crumble

    Games are where it's at! I LOVE board games, and most people do it's just some people think it's "lame" or whatever but once you get them playing it's a whole different kettle of fish!

    If there's aload of you I'd recommend wither Cranium or Apples to Apples.

    brilliant games. And of course there's always card games like poker, whist... all the old fashioned ones are BRILLIANT. If you've a few little ones who are just old enough you could play a Beetle Drive.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 25,005 ✭✭✭✭Toto Wolfcastle

    I brought Apples to Apples to my parents house last year for Christmas and they loved it. Definitely a great one.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 170 ✭✭rainemac

    This is a good idea must dig out some old boardgames for the christmas season!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 481 ✭✭Deenie123

    Hmm, I'm cooking this year, it's just myself, my brother, grandmother and granduncle. Dinner around 1400, then the nanny and granduncle will go home around 1630. Leaving me and my brother on our tod. Dunno what to do, nobody around from the 23rd to the 27th. Christmas with the telly I guess.

  • Posts: 18,749 ✭✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    I love Christmas without kids.
    No screaming, shouting, crying, breaking things and crying over them!

    To me Christmas us all about meeting family & friends, catching up etc.
    Christmas day with all us adults is great, good food, good drink, games, naps & movies.
    Love it love it love it!

    ( when I don't have to work of course!)

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 731 ✭✭✭Butterface

    bubblypop wrote: »
    I love Christmas without kids.
    No screaming, shouting, crying, breaking things and crying over them!

    To me Christmas us all about meeting family & friends, catching up etc.
    Christmas day with all us adults is great, good food, good drink, games, naps & movies.
    Love it love it love it!

    ( when I don't have to work of course!)

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying I think kids around the place at Christmas would make it more enjoyable. I just think that when you get a group of adults that have grown up in the same house, yet have gone on to live very different lifestyles.. well it's hard to get everybody on the same Christmas buzz!

    The last few years have felt so strained.. we all seem to go off in different directions, whether it's to our relatives and neighbours down the road, or into our old childhood bedrooms for peace and quiet. I'd love to get everybody on the same page where we could all have a few drinks and play board games together. I am pathetically nostalgic for Christmases of old.. nowadays there are way too many distractions to keep a house full of people in the same room for too long.

    This year I am going to make a massive effort to cajole everybody into playing Articulate or something just to actually have us all participating in something at the same time (other than the feast!)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,391 ✭✭✭fro9etb8j5qsl2

    Cards! Wouldn't be Christmas without the obligatory game of poker or 45 (and ensuing argument when someone renages....)
