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Volume issue on Macbook pro - can't hear lectures properly :-(

  • 01-10-2014 8:56pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,368 ✭✭✭

    Hi all,

    Ive just installed an app called Boom, on a trial basis - and it works a treat. The volume levels have increased threefold at least and I can hear my lectures. However before this I had gone into system preferences, but was unable to move the slider any further as it was set at the highest. Is there something Im missing, (I have been reading other users having same issue), or should I just go and buy Boom and be done with it? Or is there another Free App that does the same thing as boom?? Thanks for any tips. :)

    EDIT: OS X 10.8.5


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,933 ✭✭✭holystungun9

    So, to understand, the app has increased the volume a lot and you want to increase it even more? If other Boom users are also noting that the slider can't be moved up to its max then the app must be limiting it.

    One reason is it may be a way to encourage you to pay for the full app and "unlock" even more volume.

    A second reason may be some sort of protection for the actually speakers as like anything they can be pushed too far. I see that the app "boosts" volume or whatever but it is also and essentially an equaliser meaning that while the may actually squeeze a bit more out of your speakers they real method they use is boosting specific frequencies and not the whole range. THey can boost in places by cutting in other places essentially.

    Anyway, if it is meant as an incentive to purchase the full app, they will clearly say it on the site or details on the app store. If there is nothing at all on that then it might be the protection thing which is probably set so they don't have customers blowing their speakers and leaving bad reviews.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 101 ✭✭Somecrimesitry

    Not sure if this is in 10.8.5 but you can boost volume levels on audio files in iTunes v11.4 in OSX 10.9.4.

    - Drag the audio file into iTunes, right-click on it in iTunes and select Get Info.
    - Click the Options tab, you should see a volume adjust slider.
    - You can raise or lower volume by up to plus or minus 100% of the original volume.
    - There are also some equalizer presets in there for boosting audio too.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,368 ✭✭✭mumof2

    Not sure if this is in 10.8.5 but you can boost volume levels on audio files in iTunes v11.4 in OSX 10.9.4.

    - Drag the audio file into iTunes, right-click on it in iTunes and select Get Info.
    - Click the Options tab, you should see a volume adjust slider.
    - You can raise or lower volume by up to plus or minus 100% of the original volume.
    - There are also some equalizer presets in there for boosting audio too.

    This is great, thanks so much Im gonna try that in a minute!:D Does this actually work with online lectures? thanks

    @holystungun9 - I want to increase the sound my Mac gives me. It wasn't loud enough to hear lectures, with kids fussing around in the background. So I installed Boom, and this does the job perfectly. My question is / was - if there is a free app that improves the sound on a mac. Ive only installed a trial version of boom.:)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 248 ✭✭STEINBERG

    Just get audio hijack pro,, job done, it is used for recording audio from any app but you don't have to record. it boosts the audio a hell of alot if you want it too

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,537 ✭✭✭thecommander


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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,368 ✭✭✭mumof2


    That doesn't help, as I still can't slide the volume slider in settings for sound any higher:-(

    @steinberg - thanks for the audiohijack link, but I notice it's another one that 'can be purchased for $32', (it mentions noise overlaid on all recordings over 10 mins) therefore I'm wondering is the free version enough to listen to online lecture recordings over 1.5 hrs? Thanks :confused:
