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Where to Repair - not-working Laptop set to Chinese

  • 22-09-2014 2:22pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8

    The problem is not changing the language - I am a Chinese guy studying here.
    But my laptop keeps " repairing windows" and shows progression but never completes and goes to the usual start/ desktop

    I wonder if there are any Chinese repair shops - I see a lot for mobile phones ?

    Or maybe some one more clued in would know if a repair shop can change the language thro the BIOS so they can then diagnosis the problem etc

    I need it for college (MA student) so kind of urgent

    Much appreciated


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,381 ✭✭✭✭Allyall

    This may be of some help to you

    You can press Shift+F10 to open the command prompt during the startup repair and can run that command.

    I assume that you have the Windows-7 bootable disk. So then its very easy to get back you system working again. Before this enter to bios setup and check that your default boot device is CD/DVD drive, if it is not then set it to your default boot device. Follow the steps given below:

    1: Insert the Windows 7 installation disc and restart the PC and press any key when prompted.

    2: Select your language preferences and click on Next. Click on Repair your computer.


    3: Select which operating system you want to restore and the click on Next.

    NOTE: If Windows 7 is not listed here, or it is blank, then it is ok. Click on Next anyway.

    4: Select the system recovery option you want to do.


    Here you have to select the Command Prompt and then run that command. You can also try the Bootrec /fixmbr and Bootrec /fixboot to fix the problem.

    If that doesn't help then you can try few more things as I have found it on seveforum. Just follow these steps after entering in Command Prompt

    1: On Command Line acessed the folder with the files that should substitute C:\Windows\System32\Config. To do that, type cd windows, then cd system32, then cd config

    2: Type 'dir' to see the files. There were 5 files with the termination .gbck, and 5 files without any termination. They are the following files: DEFAULT, SAM, SECURITY, SOFTWARE and SYSTEM.

    3: Rename all the files without termination to .bak one by one. just like that: ren COMPONENTS COMPONENTS.bak (you should do it for the others 4 files)

    4: Rename all the .gbck to without termination one by one. just like that: ren COMPONENTS.gbck COMPONENTS (you should do it for the others 4 files)

    5: Type dir, to see if the files names were exactly you are expecting to.

    6 Restart the PC.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 817 ✭✭✭todolist

    There is a Chinese computer repair shop in Capel Street Dublin.It's called Hau Wei.The guy there knows his stuff.
